Grammar school PORG Liben said goodbye to the school year by water feast


Water feast is a traditional and very popular event PORG grammar school. The feast is indeed goodbye party, but also it is great opportunity for gathering current and former students, parents, employees and school’s friends. This year’s feast took place on June 29 at the Sport and recreation complex Pražačka.  The event is annually prepared by parents and students of the third grade, this year, for the first time with help of Absolook.

While the festivities pupils and teachers saying goodbye to the school year, but above all a welcome opportunity to meet current and former students, parents, staff and friends of the school. This year’s water festivities took place on June 29 in the sports and recreation complex Pražačka. This year’s dress code was black and white. Good food and drinks, a lot of music by school bands and guests, dance of students, surprise of the evening and mostly good time with friends. This was a essence of Wednesday’s event.